Is it time to build a new facility? When it comes to new construction, our advice is to get the ľƵ on board early. Here’s why.

If you’re having trouble finding the perfect site for your new construction project, ľƵ Libbe Properties can help you identify the property that best meets your needs. This might help you avoid certain site-related construction complications later.  Our SiteLine program leverages the collaborative expertise within thee ľƵ to provide a continuum of tiered services, from initial planning, to site selection and procurement, to construction and beyond which can include deciding on the right delivery method to meet your schedule and budget.

Do you need Design/Build,Design/Bid/BuildǰConstruction Management At-Risk?

We will help you understand the differences and customize a solution just for you.

We’re experienced in all phases of the construction process including:

We use a collaborative process that emphasizes communication in every phase from planning and programming to owner occupancy. We focus on your needs as the owner, and deliver quality control, safety, schedule control, and continuous feedback.

And building is only the beginning. After your new construction project is complete, ľƵ teams specializing in small construction projects, site management,HVAC service, and facility management can help maintain your facility throughout its lifetime.

Involving our team from the earliest stages of your new construction project ensures a smooth experience through to the finish —and most importantly — for the future of your business or organization’s success.